AAP leader Atishi was named as the new CM of Delhi. This comes after Kejriwal’s resignation as the CM. Delhi BJP chief Virendraa Sachdeva said that Atishi was made CM under Sisodia’s pressure. “Kejriwal made her the CM unwillingly. He could not get the CM he wanted because of pressure from Sisodia. Face has changed, but the corrupt character is as it is and the people will ask for answers.”
Speaking on the same issue, Bihar Deputy CM and BJP leader targeted Arvind Kejriwal. He alleged that AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal has surpassed RJD leader Lalu Prasad Yadav in corruption. He said, “While I considered Lalu Prasad Yadav the most corrupt leader of the country, Kejriwal has surpassed him in corruption. He is corrupt leader and a liquor seller. I have never seen a more shameless chief minister than him.”