In Mayiladuthurai district, merchants stopped their stores for two hours in remembrance of DMDK leader Vijayakanth, who passed away. Actor Rajnikanth arrived to Island Ground on Friday morning to honor Vijayakanth at Anna Salai, Chennai. We will never find someone as good as Vijayakanth, stated Rajinikanth. There is no one like him in politics or film. This loss cannot be replaced."
Andhra Pradesh underwent a radical change in 2023 as a result of Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy's "visionary initiatives reaping rich rewards," official sources said on Wednesday. The sources stated that the global investment summit that AP organized and hosted in Visakhapatnam was a great success. It garnered offers of investment exceeding `13 lakh crore, leading to the signing of almos...
Andhra Pradesh had a sharp drop in COVID-19 cases, which was a welcome relief for locals and vacationers alike and offered a glimmer of hope in the middle of the ongoing pandemic battle. From only 4 positive cases found out of 327 tests performed throughout the state, the positivity rate fell to a comforting zero. All districts exhibit the same declining trend; Eluru records one case, NTR recor...
Since rising star Prabhas is bringing in record-breaking audiences in Telugu states, leading Telugu production firm Mythri Movie Makers is overjoyed with the enormous success of "Salaar" (Chapter 1: Ceasefire). The action adventure made Rs 56 crores in net collections and entered the profit zone in Nizam since Mythri Movie Makers bought the film for Rs 55 crores or more.
Two Kakinada district women were given life sentences in jail for the heinous murder of a 15-day-old daughter. The judge determined that Kalla Srujana and her mother, Malireddy Mahalakshmi, were responsible for the child's death in June 2020 after she was thrown into a well. Gandham Kanakaratnam, Srujana's grandmother, was also charged but died before the trial could be finished.
The leaders of Andhra Pradesh's political parties will meet with Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge in Delhi on Wednesday to talk about the poll preparations for the 2024 Lok Sabha election. Kharge, Rahul Gandhi, party general secretary KC Venugopal, and other party officials were to meet with AP leaders, according to APCC president and former MLC Gidugu Rudra Raju.
Even though the "people are happy with receiving exclusive welfare schemes at their doorsteps, without any irregularities," throughout the previous four and a half years, Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has declared that he would introduce a few additional charity programs. "An appropriate plan and policy have been utilized by our government in its operations....."
Pulsus Group CEO Gedela Srinubabu proposed that North Andhra farmers switch to commercial crops on the occasion of National Farmers Day. To this end, the Pulsus Group arranged an occasion in Srikakulam that emphasized the group's shared resolve to revamp the economy of North Andhra. The main goals of the event were to ensure a sustainable future, reshape the economy, and create one million jobs...
Former election strategist Prashant Kishor called on Telugu Desam Party chief N Chandrababu Naidu.
The creation of the Jai Bharat National Party was declared on Friday night in Vijayawada by former CBI JD V.V. Lakshmi Narayana. Speaking at the event, he declared that JBNP was founded on the principles of good governance and that we will demonstrate the value of politics in advancing these ideals. He criticized corruption for having greatly expanded and declared that it is eating away at soci...
Senior Deputy Election Commissioner Dharmendra Sharma has urged everyone to use their right to vote and emphasized how crucial it is to have a voter list free of errors. At a meeting held here on Friday, Sharma reviewed the general election preparation efforts as well as the special summary revision of the voter list (SSR) for 2024. He declared that it was critical to inform and motivate all el...
The Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams are prepared to celebrate the great annual Vaikunta Ekadasi and Dwadasi twin days on December 23 and 24 at Lord Venkateswara's residence in Tirumala. All TTD departments were actively involved in making arrangements for pilgrims to have access to Vaikunta Dwara Darshanam for ten days beginning on December 23.
The Indira Gandhi Municipal Stadium in this city hosted semi-Christmas celebrations in which Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy took part as the chief guest. The Chief Minister and leaders of Christian denominations cut the cake to commemorate the occasion. Several ministers, members of parliament, and representatives of the people were also present at the government-sponsored event.
Road users in Kurnool City have historically had a propensity to drive carelessly, ignoring traffic signals and breaking laws, which frequently presented difficulties for other drivers and law enforcement officers. In order to register cases and penalize these violators, the police had difficulty apprehending them on their cell phones. On the other hand, the e-challan system's implementation ha...
Andhra Pradesh CM Jagan will disburse Videshi Vidya Deevena funds today. He will release Rs. 41.6 crore to 390 eligible students pursuing higher education abroad under the Jagananna Videshi Vidya Deevena scheme.