The creation of the Jai Bharat National Party was declared on Friday night in Vijayawada by former CBI JD V.V. Lakshmi Narayana. Speaking at the event, he declared that JBNP was founded on the principles of good governance and that we will demonstrate the value of politics in advancing these ideals. He criticized corruption for having greatly expanded and declared that it is eating away at society, adding that unemployment is a serious issue.
The creation of the Jai Bharat National Party was declared on Friday night in Vijayawada by former CBI JD V.V. Lakshmi Narayana. Speaking at the event, he declared that JBNP was founded on the principles of good governance and that we will demonstrate the value of politics in advancing these ideals. He criticized corruption for having greatly expanded and declared that it is eating away at society, adding that unemployment is a serious issue. The Jai Bharat National Party was founded, he said, to eradicate corruption. He went on to say that, through development, JBNP will teach people how to meet their own wants and release them from enslavement. He lamented that the special status issue has bedeviled all parties and that family rule dominates politics. In addition to eradicating the threat of unemployment by creating jobs and work inside the state, Lakshmi Narayana promised to demonstrate the way to prosperity and progress. In order to purge the political system and end political enslavement, he claimed to have met with representatives from every walk of life and made the decision to found a new party.