The Indira Gandhi Municipal Stadium in this city hosted semi-Christmas celebrations in which Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy took part as the chief guest. The Chief Minister and leaders of Christian denominations cut the cake to commemorate the occasion. Several ministers, members of parliament, and representatives of the people were also present at the government-sponsored event.
The Indira Gandhi Municipal Stadium in this city hosted semi-Christmas celebrations in which Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy took part as the chief guest. The Chief Minister and leaders of Christian denominations cut the cake to commemorate the occasion. Several ministers, members of parliament, and representatives of the people were also present at the government-sponsored event. The state’s Christian brothers and sisters received early Christmas wishes from the chief minister. In his message, Rev. Raja Rao advocated for everyone to cultivate the joyful traits of love, compassion, affection, patience, and sacrifice. “Only these qualities will help us move closer to God,” he remarked and prayed. May God bestow all such good qualities among us.” He sent his best wishes for a Merry Christmas to everyone in the two Telugu states. The NTR district government received appreciation from Christian religious groups for organizing the semi-Christmas events. Dilli Rao, the district collector for NTR, expressed gratitude to all those who contributed to the success of the event and stated that the arrangements were made with the assistance of representatives from all government departments.