Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath stressed that the Army is a symbol of pride for 140 crore Indian citizens. CM Yogi emphasized that the bravery of the army is unquestionable, and the people of our country also have unwavering trust in its capabilities.
CM Yogi spoke at ‘Kiranti Shaurya Samaroh’ conducted in the 11 Gorkha Rifle Regimental Center in Lucknow and stressed that the Indian Army has a glorious history. He also said that Indian soldiers have set an ideal example of serving the country during both wartime and peacetime as well.
In fact, the Gorkha Rifle was the first regiment to be formed after India’s independence. During the ceremony, CM Yogi lauded the dedication of Indian soldiers and stressed their selfless commitment to safeguarding the unity, integrity, and sovereignty of India.
CM Yogi stressed that the government of UP is working diligently for the welfare of serving and retired soldiers. He also lauded the significant contributions of soldiers in every battle for the country’s security.