Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu has instructed the Education Department to revamp school syllabuses to address future needs. During a review meeting, Naidu emphasized the importance of value-based education and directed officials to enhance government schools to compete with private institutions.
He called for a focus on basic facilities and mandated radical changes to achieve significant educational outcomes. Naidu stressed the need for comprehensive monitoring and a 100% enrollment rate, with proper identity cards issued to students under the Union government’s Automated Permanent Academic Account Registry (APAAR).
He also requested a detailed study of Government Order (GO) number 117, which introduced several educational reforms but faced opposition from some teachers.
The Education Department outlined current reforms, including the ‘one teacher for one class’ system, and reported that many government and aided schools have low student numbers. Additionally, Naidu reviewed the state’s skill development initiatives and urged for a grassroots-level skill development census, involving consultations with industrialists.