Meanwhile, this year, Radha Sapthami will happen on February 16, 2024. The TTD is now getting ready to host the mega-auspicious festival, making all necessary arrangements in view of the huge rush of devotees.
The majestic Amrit Udyan has once again opened it's gates for the public. This beautiful garden was designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens, the British architect who also planned many structures in New Delhi.
Yes! "12th Fail" stands as one of the finest films in India because it is grounded in hard reality, where everyone can emote with that character completely. Moreover, it has shown the unforgettable phase of the Bollywood film industry, so these are the reasons that this film stands out as the best film in Indian cinema.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, popularly known as Mahatma Gandhiji, was an Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist, and political ethicist.
The galaxy is designated as UGC 11105, and it is at a distance of 110 million lightyears in the constellation of Hercules.
Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will present the interim budget of FY 2024–25 on February 1, 2024.
National Puzzle Day was created by Jill and Jodi in 2022. Originally, puzzles were invented as educational tools to teach about various subjects such as geography, history, alphabets, botany, and zoology. These puzzles were used to teach children about different countries and continents.
According to the ECI schedule, Uttar Pradesh has 10 seats, both Maharashtra and Bihar have 6 seats, both West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh have 5 seats, and both Karnataka and Gujarat have 4 seats.
In fact, the 7th edition of the 'Pariksha Pe Charcha' event of this year will be conducted at Bharat Manadapam, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.
The IMD predicted that dense to very dense fog conditions will occur over the states of Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, and Bihar in today's night and morning hours until January 31, 2024.
The LCA Tejas Mark 1A has been developed under the LCA program, and the LCA Tejas series has been developed to replace India's aging MiG-21 fighters.
Who doesn't love chocolate? From children to the elderly, chocolate is a favorite for all. And when it comes to chocolate cake, no one can resist this delicious treat, even if they are on a diet. Did you know that there is a special day dedicated to this dessert called "National Chocolate Cake Day"? It is celebrated every year on January 27th. Let's learn more about this occasion.
According to government sources, Uttarakhand is likely to become the first state to pass the Uniform Civil Code in India.
CM Mohan Yadav stressed that Bhagwati Lal Rajpurohit, Om Prakash Sharma, Satendra Singh Lohia, and Kaluram Bamaniya have made Madhya Pradesh proud by performing extraordinary work in their respective fields.
In fact, each of the elephants and Mahout were seated and stood holding the tri-color in a unique and patriotic celebration of the 75th Republic Day.