Ahead of the Haryana assembly polls, Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini addressed several critical issues facing the state, including the BJP’s setbacks in five Lok Sabha seats, farmers’ concerns, and claims of neglect from Haryana’s wrestlers.
Saini emphasized the advancements made in Haryana during his tenure, asserting that the last decade has been marked by significant development. He stated, “People understand that our intentions are honest,” while acknowledging that some projects remain incomplete but assured prompt action to resolve these issues.
In response to wrestler Vinesh Phogat’s allegations of insufficient support from the Haryana government, Saini clarified that plans were underway to honor her, but delays were caused by the election model code of conduct. He also criticized the Congress party for allegedly exploiting athletes for political purposes.
Despite the BJP’s losses in various constituencies, Saini expressed confidence that the state’s development achievements would resonate with voters as elections approach.