The Congress-led Rajasthani government is allegedly involved in widespread corruption, according to BJP chief JP Nadda. Addressing the public in Dausa, Nadda said, “Na aakash chhoda, na paatal chhoda. There is corruption everywhere in the state. Wherever Congress is, there will be corruption, looting, oppression, and fraud. Wherever the BJP is, development will be there”.
“Rajasthan was the land of saints, fighters, and reformers. But the Gehlot government put ‘Grahan’ (eclipse) all over the state. November 25 is the day to remove this ‘Grahan’ from the state. Under Gehlot rule, Rajasthan became number one in terms of corruption, atrocities against women, religious appeasement, and atrocities against Dalits and backward classes,” added the BJP chief.