A 50-year-old woman was found tied up to a tree with a heavy chain in a forest in Maharashtra’s Sindhudurg district. The police found a photocopy of her US passport and other papers, including an Aadhaar card with a Tamil Nadu address.
A shepherd heard her crying late Saturday night in Sonurli village, about 450 kilometers away, and called the police after seeing her in such a situation.
“The woman was taken to hospital in Sawantwadi and then to Oros in Sindhudurg. Because she’s in such a tough mental and health situation, we decided to send her to Goa Medical College for better care. She’s out of immediate danger. The doctors there said she’s dealing with mental health issues. We’ve also found some of her medical prescriptions,” the police official said.
“We discovered her Aadhaar card with a Tamil Nadu address and a copy of her US passport. She’s been in India for the last 10 years,” official said.
The woman can’t give statement right now because she’s too weak from not eating for a few days, and the area has been hit hard by rain. We don’t know how long she was lock up with chain. We think her husband from Tamil Nadu did it and ran away,” he added.
The police have started looking for her family and other people in Tamil Nadu, Goa, and other places as part of the investigation.