Veteran journalist Kommineni Srinivas Rao resigned as chairman of the Andhra Pradesh Press Academy on Saturday. In fact, Srinivas Rao was appointed as the chairman of the AP press academy on November 10, 2022. However, Kommineni Srinivas Rao, popularly called ‘KSR’ in the Telugu media industry, stated that he has resigned due to personal reasons.
The senior journalist, KSR, sent his official resignation letter to AP CM YS Jagan Mohan Reddy on Saturday and thanked him for giving him the opportunity to serve as chairman of the AP Press Academy. Meanwhile, KSR is a well-known journalist, writer, and commentator for the Doordarshan channel. He was also working at Sakshi Tele Vision when he was appointed Chairman of the AP Press Academy in 2022.
It is known that on the Sakshi Tele Vision channel, KSR has become popular and recognized with the ‘KSR live show’. KSR has served in various positions as a sub-editor, reporter, and chief reporter. He also played a significant role as a journalist in the 1986 floods in Godavari districts, the terrible earthquake in Lathur in 1990, the AICC event in Tirupati in 1992, and the Telugu Desam Party Mahanadu. KSR has also worked as a reporter for various news papers and TV channels for 33 years.