On February 11, Tirumala's Nada Neerajanam stage will host the auspicious 7th edition of the Ayodhyakanda Akhanda Parayanam.
Meanwhile, the auspicious Ratha Saptami will be celebrated in Tirumala temple on the occasion of Surya Jayanti on Friday, February 16, 2024.
Meanwhile, the auspicious Ratha Saptami will be celebrated in Tirumala temple on the occasion of Surya Jayanti on February 16, 2024.
On the other side, the auspicious Ratha Saptami will be celebrated in Tirumala temple on the occasion of Surya Jayanti on February 16, 2024.
According to the TTD, a total of 76,104 devotees took darshan, and 32,412 devotees were tonsured on Friday. TTD also revealed that Tirumala Hundi got 2.92 crore in income on January 27.
According to the TTD, a total of 71,664 devotees took darshan, and 33,330 devotees were tonsured on Friday. TTD also revealed that Tirumala Hundi got 3.37 crore in income on January 26.