Karnataka’s Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar has pledged his unwavering support for Chief Minister Siddaramaiah amid mounting pressure from the BJP for his resignation over the alleged MUDA (Mysuru Urban Development Authority) land scam. In an exclusive interview with India Today TV, Shivakumar asserted that the Congress party stands “100 percent” behind Siddaramaiah, emphasizing that there is “no evidence” to substantiate any wrongdoing on the Chief Minister’s part.
Shivakumar firmly stated, “There is no question of resignation. The law of the country will protect my Chief Minister,” and characterized the situation as a “political drama” orchestrated by the BJP. He expressed confidence that Siddaramaiah has not engaged in any illegal activities.
Following a complaint from RTI activist TJ Abraham regarding the alleged scam, Karnataka Governor Thawar Chand Gehlot granted permission to prosecute Siddaramaiah. However, Shivakumar criticized the Governor’s decision, suggesting that it should have awaited the findings of the ongoing commission investigating the matter. He also indicated that he is not concerned about the possibility of becoming Chief Minister, leaving that decision to the party’s high command.