Two young girls, aged three and four, were sexually assaulted by a janitor at a school in Badlapur, Maharashtra, leading to widespread outrage and protests in the region. The preliminary report from a state-appointed committee revealed that the girls suffered severe injuries, including a ruptured hymen, and were assaulted multiple times over a span of 15 days. The incidents reportedly occurred in the restroom of the school, which lacked adequate supervision and security measures, such as functioning CCTV cameras.
The accused, identified as Akshay Shinde, a 23-year-old male cleaner who was hired just 12 days prior to the assaults, was arrested on August 17 after the families of the victims filed a complaint following medical examinations that confirmed the abuse. The school administration has faced intense scrutiny for their delayed response, with the principal allegedly informing the trustee about the incidents only on August 14, while failing to meet with the parents.
The report highlighted significant shortcomings in the school’s handling of the situation, including a 12-hour delay in providing medical care to the victims and accusations of negligence from both the school and local police. Families reported being dismissed when they attempted to raise concerns, with one family member stating that the principal suggested the injuries might be due to bicycle riding, despite medical evidence to the contrary.
Protests erupted at Badlapur railway station, where demonstrators blocked train tracks, demanding justice for the victims and accountability from the school and police. Local authorities have since suspended several school staff members, including the principal, in response to the public outcry and the findings of the committee report.