Mahesh Suthar, a Bengaluru resident, shared his experience on social media, warning about a new scam at the city’s airport. He explained that a taxi driver used a fake app called Blumeter, which closely resembled Uber, to overcharge him by Rs 1,000. Suthar flagged this scam, cautioning others about the taxi drivers who exploit passengers […]
A 12-year-old boy, a Class VII student, allegedly died by suicide in his hostel room at a private school in Hyderabad. His body was found by a roommate on Monday night. Despite being rushed to the hospital, he was declared dead. His father claimed the school didn’t inform the family and alleged the boy faced […]
Controversial YouTuber Savukku Shankar was arrested and is currently being held at the Teynampet Police Station in Chennai. He was arrested in connection with a prior case of ganja possession. The case dates back to Shankar’s stay in Theni, where police reportedly recovered 2.5 kgs of ganja. A case was filed against Shankar and three […]
A Maruti van in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, exploded on Tuesday after catching fire. The LPG-fueled vehicle was seen engulfed in flames before a powerful blast destroyed it. The driver managed to escape unhurt, and no other casualties were reported. The explosion, which occurred in Aishbagh, triggered panic among residents, with the driver visibly distressed as […]
A 21-year-old man, Ritik Verma, was brutally beaten to death in Delhi’s Shastri Park after being caught with another man’s wife. The accused, Ajmat, discovered the two together at his home and violently assaulted them. Witnesses reported that Ritik suffered extensive injuries, including torn nails, before succumbing to his injuries later that day. The police […]
A Kenyan woman was arrested by customs officials at Chennai Airport for attempting to smuggle 90 capsules containing cocaine worth ₹14.2 crore. She arrived from Addis Ababa on December 7. The woman was intercepted by the Air Intelligence Unit based on intelligence, and with medical assistance, she egested the capsules, which were later confirmed to […]
A 24-year-old man, Kunu Kisan, allegedly murdered an 18-year-old woman in Jharsuguda, Odisha, after she accused him of raping her when she was a minor. Despite his meticulous planning to evade detection, the Jharsuguda Police utilized AI-equipped CCTV systems to track him down. After a missing person report was filed, AI helped identify the victim […]
A devotee from Tamil Nadu, identified as Jagan Sampat, tragically jumped to his death from the Ghee Abhishek counter at Sabrimala’s Ayyappa Temple. The incident occurred on Monday evening, and the reason for his drastic action remains unclear. Despite immediate medical assistance, he succumbed to injuries before reaching the hospital. An investigation is underway.
A cabin crew member of Air India was arrested for assisting a passenger in smuggling 1.7 kg of 24-carat gold at Chennai airport. The arrest occurred when both individuals arrived on an Air India flight from Dubai on Sunday. According to the customs department, the passenger admitted to handing over the gold to the crew […]
A tragic road accident occurred in Bhavnagar district of Gujarat, where a private bus and a truck collided on the national highway. Six people were killed and 10 others were injured. The injured have been taken to the hospital for treatment. Upon receiving the information, the police reached the site, and an investigation is underway.
The North Korean army is fighting in support of Russia in the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. In this context, Ukraine revealed that some of Kim Jong-un’s troops deployed in border villages have been killed or are missing. Ukrainian officials reported that about 30 North Korean soldiers were either killed or seriously injured.
Japan’s largest bank, MUFG, apologized for an employee’s theft of over 1 billion yen (USD 6.6 million) from customers’ safe deposit boxes. Investigations revealed theft from 20 clients, totaling 300 million yen. The employee admitted to the crime, using the funds for personal investments. The case has shaken customer trust, with the employee cooperating in […]
Twelve Indians were found dead at a restaurant in Georgia’s mountain resort of Gudauri. Georgia officials said that no signs of injuries or violence were detected in the initial inspection. All victims died from carbon monoxide poisoning. Indian mission in Tbilisi said that all 12 victims were Indian nationals. However, Georgia officials said 11 were […]
A 35-year-old man, Anand Yadav, in Chhattisgarh died of suffocation after allegedly swallowing a live chicken chick. The villagers suspected it to be an act driven by occult practices to fulfil his wish to become a father. The case left doctors stunned when they found the chick still alive inside the victim’s body during post-mortem. […]
Just four days after their wedding, Bhavik from Ahmedabad was allegedly killed by his wife, Payal, who conspired with her cousin Kalpesh to eliminate him. Payal confessed to the crime, revealing her desire to marry Kalpesh. After Bhavik went missing, his family discovered evidence of his kidnapping. The police arrested Payal and her accomplices, charging […]