"Maruthi Nagar Subramanyam," the newly released Telugu dramedy, is set to make its debut on OTT soon. Featuring Rao Ramesh in a prominent role, the film also stars Indraja, Ankith Koyya, and Ramya Pasupuleti, adding a diverse range of talent to the cast. The movie is directed by Lakshman Karya, a newcomer in the industry, who brings a fresh perspective to this dramedy.
Telugu actor Sharwanand, known for his recent hit "Manamey," is currently engaged in his next project, "Sharwa 37," directed by Ram Abbaraju. Following the success of "Manamey," which was well-received at the box office and is eagerly anticipated on digital platforms, Sharwanand is shifting his focus to this new venture.
Flipkart's Big Billion Days Sale 2024 is anticipated to start in the last week of September, bringing an array of discounts across various product categories just ahead of the festival season in India. This annual sale is known for its significant markdowns and is highly awaited by shoppers looking for deals on electronics, home goods, lifestyle products, and more.
In their first official debate, US presidential candidates Donald Trump and Kamala Harris clashed over the economy, trade wars, and abortion rights.
An ardent follower of Mahatma Gandhi, Bhave dedicated his life to promoting non-violence, social justice, and rural upliftment.
The current NDA government has decided to honor the 2018 bookings at the original prices.
The financial package includes up to Rs. 25,000 for heavily submerged houses and Rs. 10,000 for partially submerged houses.
Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are set for a crucial showdown in Philadelphia, with polls showing a tight race.
In a recent survey conducted by Talker Research in collaboration with Funjet Vacations, Maui, Hawaii has claimed the title of the most romantic destination in the world, surpassing Paris. This shift reflects a growing preference for tropical escapes, with 34% of the 2,000 American respondents selecting Maui as their top choice. The island's allure lies in its combination of upscale resorts, idyllic beaches, lush bamboo forests, and stunning sunsets, which create an unparalleled romantic atmosphere.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasized the need to identify and eliminate obstacles in India’s research ecosystem during the inaugural meeting of the Governing Board of the Anusandhan National Research Foundation (ANRF) on Tuesday.