In Mayiladuthurai district, merchants stopped their stores for two hours in remembrance of DMDK leader Vijayakanth, who passed away. Actor Rajnikanth arrived to Island Ground on Friday morning to honor Vijayakanth at Anna Salai, Chennai. We will never find someone as good as Vijayakanth, stated Rajinikanth. There is no one like him in politics or film. This loss cannot be replaced."
The Indian Navy unveiled the new design for the Admirals' Epaulettes. This announcement was made by PM Modi during Navy Day 2023 at Sindhudurg in Maharashtra. According to the announcement, the design takes ideas from the Naval Ensign and features the Rajmudra of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. The Octagon, Sword, Telescope, and Golden Navy Button are contained in the epaulettes.
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi exuded confidence that his party would win elections in Maharashtra and across the country.
Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge addressed the public at the party's 'Hain Taiyyar Hum' rally in Nagpur
BJP leader Rajendra Rathore heaped praise on the present state government led by CM Bhajan Lal Sharma.
Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann hit out at the BJP-led central government over the non-inclusion of the state's tableau
Congress leader Jairam Ramesh said that the BJP was "profiting over the dead."
Karnataka former Deputy CM and BJP leader CN Ashwath Narayan said that the contest in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections
There have been hints that the Infinix Smart 8 may soon appear in India. In Nigeria, the phone was just unveiled. Some of the main characteristics and available colors for the Smart 8's Indian version have been made public by Infinix. Regarding specifications, the Indian version is anticipated to be comparable to its international equivalent. Notably, the Infinix Smart 8 HD, which made its debu...
According to a South China Morning Post report, a Chinese company is experiencing blowback after requesting that its female employees wear minimal makeup to work in an effort to "motivate" their male coworkers. The boss of the company in southeast China sent the message, but he later removed it, claiming it was only a misconstrued joke. On November 30, five of the company's female employees par...
Three Ukrainian troops who were taken prisoner in the Zaporizhzhia region during the ongoing conflict are purportedly shown being executed by Russian soldiers in a video that has gone viral on social media. The footage was shared by numerous journalists on social media after it was first uploaded on Telegram on Wednesday.
Amit Shah, the Union home minister, was expected to arrive in the city on Thursday. The BJP cadre was excited about this development because they wanted to improve their performance in the upcoming parliamentary elections. The minister's arrival would be especially significant because he has been appointed Telangana in-charge for the elections.
Finance authorities were ordered to create a "realistic budget" for 2024–25 by Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy. He instructed authorities to provide the public with information through the budget on the state government's debt load, outstanding debts that need to be paid, and the government's monthly spending. He asked them not to distort income and expenses to paint an inaccurate picture of th...
Andhra Pradesh underwent a radical change in 2023 as a result of Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy's "visionary initiatives reaping rich rewards," official sources said on Wednesday. The sources stated that the global investment summit that AP organized and hosted in Visakhapatnam was a great success. It garnered offers of investment exceeding `13 lakh crore, leading to the signing of almos...
Andhra Pradesh had a sharp drop in COVID-19 cases, which was a welcome relief for locals and vacationers alike and offered a glimmer of hope in the middle of the ongoing pandemic battle. From only 4 positive cases found out of 327 tests performed throughout the state, the positivity rate fell to a comforting zero. All districts exhibit the same declining trend; Eluru records one case, NTR recor...