The Maharashtra government has relocated probationary IAS officer Dr. Pooja Khedkar from Pune to Washim amidst allegations of misuse of authority. The decision follows a recommendation by Pune Collector Dr. Suhas Diwase to the Chief Secretary.
Dr. Khedkar, a member of the 2023 IAS batch, will now complete her probation as a super numerary assistant collector in Washim district, as per the official order. Khedkar sparked controversy by requesting special privileges from the collector’s office, which were not permitted for a probationary officer.
Additionally, she used her private Audi car equipped with a red-blue beacon light and VIP number plate, causing disruption within the administration.
Moreover, she affixed a ‘Maharashtra government’ board to her private vehicle. Khedkar also made unreasonable demands, including an official car with a VIP number plate, accommodation, an official chamber with sufficient staff, and a constable.
According to regulations, these amenities are not provided to trainees, who must first be appointed as gazetted officers. Moreover, Khedkar went further by occupying the ante-chamber of additional collector Ajay More during his absence and displaying a board with her name.
Despite securing an All India Rank (AIR) of 841 in UPSC, she proceeded to remove furniture, including chairs, sofas, and tables, from the chamber without prior consent from the additional collector.