In 2023, over 216,000 Indians renounced their citizenship, as reported to the Rajya Sabha on Thursday. Kirti Vardhan Singh, Minister of State for External Affairs, presented these figures in a written response, which included data on citizenship renunciations over the past five years and from 2011 to 2018.
The report disclosed that 216,219 Indians renounced their citizenship in 2023, a decrease from 225,620 in 2022. Previous figures include 163,370 in 2021, 85,256 in 2020, and 144,017 in 2019.
Raghav Chadha of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) expressed concerns about the high renunciation rates and the low uptake of Indian citizenship. He asked whether the government had examined the reasons for this trend and evaluated the potential “financial and intellectual drain” caused by the loss of citizens.
In response, Minister Singh stated that renouncing or acquiring citizenship is a personal choice. He highlighted that the government acknowledges the opportunities offered by the global workforce in today’s knowledge economy and has adjusted its approach to engage with the Indian diaspora effectively.
Minister Singh emphasized that a “successful, prosperous, and influential diaspora” is a valuable asset for India. He highlighted the importance of leveraging diaspora networks and harnessing the soft power associated with a thriving expatriate community.
The government’s initiatives are designed to capitalize on this potential by facilitating the exchange of knowledge and expertise, thereby enhancing India’s global engagement and influence.