More than 250,000 students are expected to participate, with the Class 10 supplementary exams running from July 15th to July 22nd, and the Class 12 exams taking place only on July 15th.
According to the Unique Identity Authority of India (UIDAI) website, Aadhaar cards, which are 12-digit identity numbers unique to each enrolled resident in India, can be changed online for free until June 14.
UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has chosen not to move forward with his plan to eliminate the graduate visa due to strong resistance from important cabinet members.
In the middle of May, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is anticipated to release the results of the board exams for Classes 10 and 12. The students will be able to check their results on the official website of the CBSE.
The Union Home Ministry on Tuesday introduced a website through which illegal non-Muslim migrants from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan can seek Indian citizenship.