After participating in NDA first and foremost meeting in New Delhi following a massive victory in the recent AP elections, Pawan Kalyan has arrived at Megastar Chiranjeevi residence and received a flowery and cheerful welcome from all of his family members. To begin with, Mega Powerstar Ramcharan has extended a grand welcome by spilling cart load of roses on Pawan Kalyan. After once Pawan has entered the premises all of his siblings have appeared there in abundant delight to receive him.
To the utter delight of all gathered there Mega Mother, Smt Anjana Devi walked towards Pawan Kalyan to hug him in absolute bliss for his remarkable success which he wrote a new volume of history. All of the ladies including Mrs. Chiranjeevi have offered the leader of Janasena all that was traditional and conventional as a mark of their love and affection. Once the traditional observations were completed, Powerstar reached the lounge of Megastar as the latter came across to receive him, Pawan, in an unexpected gesture, bowed down and prayed to the feet of Megastar Chiranjeevi in heart full of devotion for his elder brother who paved way for his ultimate success as a star of sorts. In return, Chiranjeevi felicitated Pawan Kalyan with a huge garland of roses and then showered intense love through a blissful hug. Later, an yellowish cake was arranged with ‘Kalyan Babu, Hats Off’ written on it. Megastar cut the piece of cake and congratulated Pawan Kalyan for the unprecedented success he clinched during the elections.