Ram Charan recently announced the completion of his upcoming film "Game Changer" with a thrilling update on Instagram. The actor shared a collage featuring himself boarding a helicopter, captioned, "The game is about to change! #GameChanger That's a wrap! See you at the cinemas." Directed by S Shankar, the film also stars Kiara Advani, marking their reunion on-screen since "Vinaya Vidheya Rama" in 2019.
Ram Charan recently announced the completion of his upcoming film “Game Changer” with a thrilling update on Instagram. The actor shared a collage featuring himself boarding a helicopter, captioned, “The game is about to change! #GameChanger That’s a wrap! See you at the cinemas.” Directed by S Shankar, the film also stars Kiara Advani, marking their reunion on-screen since “Vinaya Vidheya Rama” in 2019.
In an interview with Film Companion, Kiara Advani shared insights into her experience shooting the film’s first song, “Jaragandi,” which was released on Ram Charan’s birthday in March. The track, sung by Daler Mehndi, received praise for its upbeat vibe. Kiara expressed her excitement, noting, “It was actually very fun to do a massy song. I have never done something like this in my life.” She received numerous calls after its release, highlighting the unique chemistry she and Ram Charan displayed in the song. Reflecting on the song’s challenges, Kiara mentioned, “Jaragandi is the hardest song I have shot. Prabhudeva sir is the choreographer, and we had a lot of rehearsals. There are a lot of back-breaking steps in the song.” She appreciated Shankar’s direction of each song in the film, emphasizing their diverse vibes and the meticulous effort involved in their production.
“Game Changer,” under Shankar’s direction and known for his cinematic flair, promises a dynamic blend of action, drama, and captivating musical sequences. With Ram Charan and Kiara Advani at the helm, the film sets expectations high for its release, aiming to deliver a fresh cinematic experience for audiences eager to see this dynamic duo on screen once again.