»Hubble Space Telescope Captures New Irregular Galaxy
Hubble Space Telescope Captures New Irregular Galaxy
According to astronomers, ESO 245-5 is classified as an IB(s) type galaxy in the De Vaucouleurs system. The new galaxy has an irregular, barred, elliptical structure and is also similar in appearance to the Magellanic clouds.
The Hubble Space Telescope has captured a clear picture of a new irregular galaxy, which is named ‘ESO 245-5’. Meanwhile, the new galaxy appears as a sea of stars with very few discernible features.
The astronomers have captured a small and irregular galaxy that is a neighbor of the Milky Way. In fact, the new galaxy is at a distance of 15 million lightyears from the Milky Way, and it is located in the direction of the constellation of Phoenix.
ESO 245-5 is categorized by astronomers as an IB(s) type galaxy inside the De Vaucouleurs system. The new galaxy resembles the Magellanic clouds in appearance and has an oval, barred, irregular structure.
Additionally, the scientists hypothesized that a sequence of interactions between smaller irregular galaxies forms massive spiral galaxies. Furthermore, a field of galaxies of various hues, sizes, and shapes surrounds the ESO 245-5, and some of the galaxies are in interaction with one another.