"Maruthi Nagar Subramanyam," the newly released Telugu dramedy, is set to make its debut on OTT soon. Featuring Rao Ramesh in a prominent role, the film also stars Indraja, Ankith Koyya, and Ramya Pasupuleti, adding a diverse range of talent to the c
In this gripping tale, Subramanyam (Rao Ramesh) is a man whose dream of securing a government job remains unfulfilled. Struggling with unemployment, his wife, Kala Rani (Indraja), shoulders the burden of managing the household, while their son Arjun
Allu Arjun, the celebrated Icon Star, recently graced the pre-release event of *Maruthi Nagar Subrahmanyam* in Hyderabad, delivering a deeply emotional and heartfelt speech that resonated with his fans. The film, directed by Lakshman Karya, features