In this gripping tale, Subramanyam (Rao Ramesh) is a man whose dream of securing a government job remains unfulfilled. Struggling with unemployment, his wife, Kala Rani (Indraja), shoulders the burden of managing the household, while their son Arjun
As an honest police officer, Satyabhama (Kajal Aggarwal) puts duty first. Because of how much she enjoys her work, she even arrives late for marriage. Haseena is a woman who seeks assistance from Satyabhama after experiencing domestic abuse. With Yed
Sundar Rao (Harsha Chemudu), an English teacher with an enigmatic purpose beyond teaching English, shows up in the isolated village of Miryalametta. How does he get along with the English-speaking villagers? Will he be able to complete his task? What