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Sowrya consultancy
    Can We Offer Curd To Babies?

    Can We Offer Curd To Babies?

    Once we start a semisolid diet for babies, many mothers want to know if curd can be given or not. Yes, curd is very good for babies. Once a baby reaches 6 months of age, we can start curd in their diet. Curd is easily digested and helps in stool form

    January 10, 2024 / 08:05 AM IST
    Health Benefits Of Consuming Sabudana For Kids

    Health Benefits Of Consuming Sabudana For Kids

    It is often considered an unhealthy option, but actually it has pure forms of starch, carbohydrates, and nutrients, which are good for a baby's physical growth. The health benefits include bone development, being easy to digest, improving blood circu

    February 10, 2024 / 02:05 PM IST