Amid rising poll-related violence and security challenges, Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Sikanadar Sultan Raja and Pakistan's acting interior minister Gohar Ejaz confirmed on Thursday that the general elections will take place on the previously announced date of February 8 this year.
Amid rising poll-related violence and security challenges, Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Sikanadar Sultan Raja and Pakistan’s acting interior minister Gohar Ejaz confirmed on Thursday that the general elections will take place on the previously announced date of February 8 this year.
The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) held a meeting on Thursday to address the deteriorating law and order situation in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan. According to an ECP statement, several officials attended the meeting, including the Interior Minister, Secretary of Interior, Chief Secretaries, Inspector Generals of Police from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan, and members of intelligence agencies.
The CEC, while addressing the meeting, stated that the Feb 8 election will be held on time. Despite security challenges, the ECP is fully prepared. Continuing, the CEC also mentioned that those trying to create disturbances would be tackled with the help of law-enforcing agencies, including the army.
Sikanadar Sultan Raja expressed concern about the precarious state of law and order in the two provinces, particularly the attacks on the ECP’s office and political parties, but stated that these attacks will have no effect on the voting process.