The narrative starts with the 2009 AP election campaign, which was held in the wake of the death of Rajashekara Reddy, the then-chief minister (Mammootty). The main focus of the film is on the events that follow Jagan Mohan Reddy's (Jiiva) personal and political lives.
Story: The story opens with the 2009 AP election campaign, which took place following the passing of Chief Minister Rajashekara Reddy (Mammootty). The events that follow Jagan Mohan Reddy’s (Jiiva) personal and political lives are the primary subject matter of the movie.
Pros: The story is told in a highly organized way by Mahi V. Raghav. The way he handled the story and the writing is astounding. Jiiva does a respectable job in the part, and his portrayal of the real Jagan is quite realistic. Considering his limitations, he often performs admirably. Mammootty gives his greatest effort as well. He uses emotive and goosebumps-inducing speech when interacting with the public. Santhosh Narayanan injects life into the film with his outstanding soundtrack and singing. He deserves praise for keeping the film exciting throughout every dull scene.
Cons: The story is written in a really deft manner.Mahi V. Raghav does not pay enough attention to a few very important things that happened in YS Jagan’s life. He could have addressed such political and personal issues in greater detail throughout the film. Aside from the narrative, Mahi V. Raghav ought to have been more cautious in how Jiiva portrayed Jagan. Even though Jiiva is able to pass for Jagan on TV, he struggles with emotion in some of the sequences. A few poignant passages involving Jagan and his family as well as the broader public may have been included by the writer-director. In such circumstances, Yatra 2 would have definitely been more interesting.
Technical Aspects: Mahi V. Raghav, the film’s director and writer, was successful in portraying his intended message. He may have concentrated on more poignant elements of the movie, though, to give it greater depth. In selecting the ideal performers for the roles, the casting director deserves recognition. Santhosh Narayanan is a talented musician and composer. We are grateful to Shravan Katikaneni for his editing and to Madhie for her cinematography. A clear benefit of the short runtime is the screenplay, which makes the second half seem a little plodding.
Verdict: Overall, Yatra 2 is a sincere attempt to depict the events in YS Jagan’s personal and political life following the passing of his father, Rajashekara Reddy. In their parts, Mammootty and Jiiva are excellent. Santhosh Narayanan, who composed the music, takes the film to a new level. Conversely, the shortcomings include a slow second part, a few unresolved incidents in YS Jagan’s life, and a few emotionally detached sequences that lack resonance. If you are a fan of the leader in question, Yatra 2 is the best biographical political picture; otherwise, it will leave a general audience feeling as though they have seen a passable movie.