Vivo has introduced its latest wireless earphones in India, the Vivo TWS 3e. Priced at ₹1,899, the Vivo TWS 3e can be purchased through Flipkart. They come equipped with features such as Active Noise Cancellation, touch controls, and Google Fast Pair. Below is a brief overview of the specifications and features of these budget-friendly wireless earbuds.
The Vivo TWS 3e earbuds showcase a modern design with a rounded charging case. They incorporate a bionic composite cashmere biofiber diaphragm paired with an 11mm sound driver, ensuring a compact yet powerful audio experience. Available in two color options—white and black—these earbuds are designed for style and functionality.
With Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) capabilities of up to 30 dB, Vivo claims that these earbuds can diminish background noise by as much as 73 percent. Additional features include AI Call Noise Reduction, a Cross-Through Air Duct design to minimize resonance, and Wind Noise Reduction for better airflow. The battery life is impressive, offering up to 42 hours with ANC off and 36 hours with it enabled. Fast charging allows for 3 hours of playback with just 10 minutes of charging. Other notable features include Google Fast Pair, Google Assistant, wearing detection, and smart touch controls. The Vivo TWS 3e also boasts an IP54 rating for water resistance and supports three distinct sound profiles: super bass boosted, enhanced vocals, and enhanced trebles.