The CBI arrested another person suspected to be involved in the NEET question paper leak from Mumbai. The accused, identified as Raunak Raj, presented before to the CBI Special Court in Patna. Justice Kumari Rinku decided to send him to judicial custody till August 2. Raunak Raj was hanging out in Hazaribagh on the day of the NEET test, on May 5, this year and is said to have cracked the leaked question papers. He’s the eighth person CBI caught in the paper leak case.
Previously, the CBI had also caught four third-year students from Patna AIIMS on July 18, two MBBS students from Bharatpur in Rajasthan, and one from RIMS Ranchi. The NEET paper leak was first spotted by the Patna Police on the day of the test, May 5. At first, the case was handed over to the Economic Offences Unit (EOU) of Bihar Police, who quickly figured out a bunch of people involved, including the king pin, Sanjeev Mukhiya from Nalanda District in Bihar. After the Union Education Ministry stepped in, they handed over the case to CBI.