The narrative of the movie takes place in the village of Ambajipeta in 2007. The two characters, Padmavathi (Saranya Pradeep), a government school teacher, and Mallikarjun (Suhas), a barber and drummer, are twins from a lower caste. Some of the locals believe there is a problem between Padmavathi and Venkat, the powerful man in the village (Nithin Prasanna).
Story: The narrative of the movie takes place in the village of Ambajipeta in 2007. The two characters, Padmavathi (Saranya Pradeep), a government school teacher, and Mallikarjun (Suhas), a barber and drummer, are twins from a lower caste. Some of the locals believe there is a problem between Padmavathi and Venkat, the powerful man in the village (Nithin Prasanna). But things get tense when Padma is insulted by Venkat, an upper caste member, about a private issue, which causes a breach between Mallikarjun and Venkat. The events that are developing between Venkat, Malli, and Padma create an engrossing tale that is sure to grab viewers’ attention when it plays on a large screen.
Pros: A movie is successful in engaging audiences if it has a compelling plot, a solid screenplay, and excellent acting, all of which Ambajipeta Marriage Band possesses. Suhas accepts another intriguing part, illuminating the character with compassion and engaging the audience in the story. Saranya Pradeep, who is playing Suhas’s sister, takes on a strong and formidable role with pride. Her well-developed character allows her to give an engaging performance that improves the plot as a whole.
A few sequences with Saranya in them will definitely draw appreciative responses—maybe even a few whistles. Shivani Nagaram justifies her appearance on screen by handling her role brilliantly for her debut in a big film. Her scenes with Suhas are endearing and charming. The soundtrack is a nice touch, and supporting actors like Nithin Prasanna and “Pushpa” Jagadeesh give the movie their all.
Cons: The film’s writer and director, Dushyanth Katikaneni, chooses a narrative with few significant turns, similar to a blockbuster movie. But in spite of its simplicity, his screenplay has a magical quality. Although the love story is acceptable, the second half of the novel could have handled it better. Resonance during sad passages would have been improved if Suhas and Saranya Pradeep had developed a more compelling emotional bond. A somewhat stronger and more risqué writing style in the second part of the movie could have made it more engaging, even though the story is rather hard-hitting.
Technical Aspects: Dushyanth Katikaneni, making his directorial and writing debut, does well. However, the film’s conclusion might have been enhanced by focusing more on the plot and adding a few more sharp conversation exchanges. The film’s quality is enhanced by the excellent work of cameraman Wajid Baig, editor Kodati Pawan Kalyan, and music director Sekhar Chandra. We especially appreciate the production team for contributing a respectable amount to the project.
Verdict: Overall, Suhas, Saranya Pradeep, and Nithin Prasanna give excellent performances in this gripping drama on a societal issue, the Ambajipeta Marriage Band. The well-known, simple plot and the second half’s rather plodding narrative are among the movie’s drawbacks. This will be the perfect movie to watch this weekend.