With just a month left until the highly anticipated release of NTR’s pan-India action drama *Devara*, the excitement is palpable. The film, directed by Koratala Siva, is shaping up to be one of the most awaited projects of the year. This morning, the makers heightened the anticipation by unveiling a special poster titled "The Faces of Fear," which has sparked further interest among fans and mov...
It’s been nearly three years since Suriya's fans have been eagerly anticipating his return to the big screen in a leading role. The excitement surrounding his comeback intensified with the announcement of his upcoming film *Kanguva*, directed by the acclaimed Siruthai Siva. Originally scheduled for a grand release on October 10, 2024, the film was expected to be a major event, hitting screens i...
In this gripping thriller, Debbie (Priya Bhavani Shankar) embarks on a dark journey to unravel the truth behind her lover Samuel Richard's (Sarjano Khalid) mysterious suicide. Guided by a daoshi (Tsering Dorjee), she attempts to contact Sam's spirit and uncovers a chilling connection to estranged twin brothers, Srini and Raghu (Arulnithi). Her investigation reveals a cursed book titled *Unsung ...
In this gripping tale, Subramanyam (Rao Ramesh) is a man whose dream of securing a government job remains unfulfilled. Struggling with unemployment, his wife, Kala Rani (Indraja), shoulders the burden of managing the household, while their son Arjun (Ankith Koyya) lives a carefree life without a job. The family’s fortunes change dramatically when a mysterious Rs. 10 lakh appears in Subramanyam’...
Dil Raju, a leading producer in the Telugu film industry, is renowned for his commitment to delivering high-quality cinema and consistently producing a large number of films each year. His dedication has made him a prominent figure in the industry, often considered the go-to person for production needs. However, Dil Raju recently opened up about a critical issue affecting the industry: the impa...
In his upcoming film *Saripodha Sanivaram*, Nani, renowned for his dynamic performances, prominently features a red scarf that holds significant symbolism in the narrative. In this vigilante drama, Nani plays Surya, a character who uses the red scarf as a crucial accessory to conceal his identity while confronting his adversary, CI Dayakar Rao, portrayed by SJ Suryah.
Allu Arjun, the celebrated Icon Star, recently graced the pre-release event of *Maruthi Nagar Subrahmanyam* in Hyderabad, delivering a deeply emotional and heartfelt speech that resonated with his fans. The film, directed by Lakshman Karya, features a compelling cast including Rao Ramesh, Ankith Koyya, and Ramya Pasupuleti.
Superstar Rajinikanth's upcoming film *Vettaiyan* is creating a buzz in the cinematic world as the release date has been officially announced, bringing a wave of excitement among fans and industry insiders alike. Directed by TJ Gnanavel, known for the critically acclaimed *Jai Bhim*, *Vettaiyan* is set to be a major cinematic event.
The Indian Film Festival of Melbourne (IFFM) concluded with a star-studded awards ceremony celebrating the best in Indian cinema.
Star heroes often make cameo appearances in each other’s films, adding unique elements that excite audiences. Ravi Teja’s latest film, *Mr. Bachchan*, is no exception, featuring an unexpected and buzzworthy cameo by the young actor Sidhu Jonnalagadda.
Natural star Nani is eagerly preparing for the release of his upcoming film, *Saripoda Sanivaaram*, where he takes on the role of a vigilante fighting against injustice. The film’s trailer has already created significant buzz, promising an engaging and action-packed experience for audiences.
Anand, aka Bachchan (Ravi Teja), is an honest income tax officer suspended for his integrity. Returning to his hometown, he falls in love with Jikki (Bhagyashree Borse), who returns his feelings. Just as their life seems to improve, Bachchan is reinstated and assigned to raid the residence of a powerful local figure, Mutyam Jaggaiah (Jagapathi Babu).
International mafia don Big Bull (Sanjay Dutt), diagnosed with Glioma and desperate to avoid death, learns of a radical solution: transferring his memory to another person’s brain. The search for the perfect candidate leads them to Shankar (Ram Pothineni) in Hyderabad.
Chiyaan Vikram's "Thangalaan" is set in 1850 CE, in Veppur village, North Arcot. Thangalaan, the leader of a tribal group, is recruited by the British to search for gold in his village. His task angers the locals, led by Aarathi (Malavika Mohanan), leading to a fierce conflict between Thangalaan's tribe and Aarathi’s forces.
In "Pasarlapudilanka", Karthik (Narne Nithiin), a carefree software engineer from Hyderabad, returns to his hometown. He lives a relaxed life with friends Subbu (Kasireddy Rajkumar) and Hari (Ankith Koyya) until he meets Pallavi (Nayan Sarika). Pallavi, influenced by caste dynamics, initially develops feelings for Karthik but abruptly agrees to marry someone else, leaving him bewildered.