Set in the picturesque town of Tirupathi, "35-Chinna Katha Kaadu" follows Saraswathi (Nivetha Thomas), a content middle-class woman, her husband Satya Prasad (Vishwadev Rachakonda), and their two sons, Arun (Arundev Pothula) and Varun (Abhay Shankar). Their serene life is disrupted when Arun struggles with mathematics and asks unusual questions that unsettle his strict teacher, Chanakya Varma (Priyadarshi).
Set in the picturesque town of Tirupathi, “35-Chinna Katha Kaadu” follows Saraswathi (Nivetha Thomas), a content middle-class woman, her husband Satya Prasad (Vishwadev Rachakonda), and their two sons, Arun (Arundev Pothula) and Varun (Abhay Shankar). Their serene life is disrupted when Arun struggles with mathematics and asks unusual questions that unsettle his strict teacher, Chanakya Varma (Priyadarshi). Chanakya, who judges students solely based on grades, disparages Arun by calling him a “zero,” causing distress for Arun’s parents. Determined to support her son, Saraswathi takes it upon herself to help Arun improve his math skills. The film explores whether Saraswathi’s efforts will help Arun overcome his challenges, what Arun truly thinks about his situation, and whether Chanakya’s approach changes. *35-Chinna Katha Kaadu* delves into the impact of educational pressures on a family and the quest for understanding.
In today’s cinematic landscape, finding a film that’s truly family-friendly can be a challenge, but “35-Chinna Katha Kaadu” stands out as a rare gem that offers something for all ages. This film is refreshingly clean and avoids relying on explicit content or romantic subplots, making it suitable for viewers of every generation. The performances are exceptional across the board. Nivetha Thomas delivers a standout portrayal of Saraswathi, bringing a depth of emotion and sincerity that underscores her talent as a performer. Her heartfelt expressions truly resonate with the audience. Arundev Pothula, who plays Arun, also impresses with his nuanced depiction of a young boy struggling with math, adding significant depth to his character. Vishwadev Rachakonda, as the father, provides a strong, supportive presence, complementing the family dynamic.
Priyadarshi’s role as the strict teacher Chanakya Varma is memorable, contributing greatly to the film’s emotional and narrative weight. His portrayal of a teacher who judges students harshly adds complexity to the storyline and drives the film’s central conflict. The supporting cast delivers their roles with authenticity, staying true to the film’s message. The comedic moments involving Arun and his peers are well-executed, providing genuine entertainment without overshadowing the film’s core themes. Vivek Sagar’s musical score is another highlight, seamlessly integrating with the film’s narrative. The background music enhances the emotional impact of the scenes, and the songs are thoughtfully placed, enriching the viewing experience without feeling out of place. Overall, “35-Chinna Katha Kaadu” is a heartfelt, engaging film that successfully balances family-friendly content with strong performances and a meaningful story.
“35-Chinna Katha Kaadu” has its strengths, particularly in its clean, family-friendly content and strong performances. However, there are notable downsides. The film’s promotional campaigns revealed much of the plot in advance, which diminishes suspense and reduces the impact of key story developments. The narrative, while relevant, remains straightforward, focusing on the judgment students face based on their grades and the importance of parental support. However, it lacks the emotional highs or plot twists that could have heightened viewer engagement.
The film’s pacing also feels slow, with both halves dragging at times. Although not boring, a faster pace might have kept the audience more engaged. The character of Gautami, who shows promise, receives insufficient screen time, missing an opportunity to add depth to the story. Additionally, the emotional bond between Saraswathi and Arun, which is central to the narrative, could have been explored more thoroughly to enhance the drama and emotional impact. In summary, while “35-Chinna Katha Kaadu” presents a valuable message and features strong performances, its predictable plot, slow pacing, and underdeveloped characters might leave some viewers wanting more.
Technical Aspects:
Nanda Kishore Emani, as both writer and director, delivers a commendable performance, though the narration could have been more engaging. His choice of meaningful scripts shows promise for a bright future in the Telugu film industry. Niketh Bommi Reddy’s cinematography adds vibrant visuals, making the film visually appealing. Vivek Sagar’s music significantly enhances the experience, with a background score and songs that enrich the film’s atmosphere. While the editing is decent, a few additional cuts might have improved the pacing. The production values are strong, providing a polished look to the film. Overall, Emani’s work is promising, with standout contributions from the cinematography and music departments.
“35-Chinna Katha Kaadu” is a feel-good family drama that’s ideal for parents and children to enjoy together. Arundev Pothula, Priyadarshi, and Nivetha Thomas all give excellent performances in the movie, and Vivek Sagar’s soundtrack is a standout feature. The movie conveys a heartwarming message about the crucial role of parental support in a child’s education. However, it does have some drawbacks, including occasional slow pacing and a lack of emotional depth. Despite these issues, it effectively delivers its message and provides a pleasant viewing experience. If you’re in the mood for a clean, uplifting family film, “35-Chinna Katha Kaadu” is worth watching. Book your tickets and enjoy a film that’s likely to leave you with a smile.
#Rating: 3.5/5
Director: Nanda Kishore Emani
Starring: Bhagyaraj, Krishna Teja, Nivetha Thomas, Priyadarshi, Vishwadev Rachakonda, and Gautami
Music Director: Vivek Sagar
Cinematographer: Niketh Bommi
Editor: T C Prasanna
Producers: Srujan Yarabolu, Siddharth Rallapalli